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Conservatives Respond to Supreme Court Ruling

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Response to the U.S. Supreme Court’s 5-4 upholding of most of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (better known as Obamacare) has been swift.

“Today’s Supreme Court ruling confirms that Obamacare is in fact one of the biggest tax increases in our nation’s history. While the federal government increases bureaucracy and red tape that cripples small business, Alabama Republicans will continue fighting this intrusion by working to make state government more efficient and boost private-sector economic growth,’ said, Alabama Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh.

U.S. Representative Robert Aderholt (R) from Haleyville said in a written statement, “Most Americans agree that the President’s health care law is taking America down the wrong path and government mandated health care is not what they want. Health care decisions that are made at the federal level only make it more difficult for small businesses and families to afford quality coverage. Putting health care decisions in the hands of unelected Washington bureaucrats and using taxpayer dollars to provide for abortions is simply bad policy. My concern is the Supreme Court’s decision to uphold the majority of the President’s health care law is a devastating step toward socialized medicine for our nation.”

Alabama Governor Robert Bentley said, “I am deeply disappointed by today’s Supreme Court decision.  The health care law is an overreach by the federal government that creates more regulation, bureaucracy, and a dramatic increase in costs to taxpayers.  The ACA is the single worst piece of legislation to come out of Congress.  This law must be repealed. People need more choices, not fewer choices.  Bigger government is not the answer.  Market-based solutions are the best solutions to giving the public the most affordable options.”

Congresswoman Martha Roby said on Twitter, “Complicated opinion this AM, but court rules this is allowed as a massive tax. I will continue to work for full repeal.”

Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead said, ““Today’s decision by the United States Supreme Court has essentially created the largest tax increase in American history. There is no need to refer to it as Obamacare from this point forward. It is now the Obama Health Care Tax. This tax will continue to make it harder for small businesses to hire more workers, during a time when Alabamians desperately need jobs. Without a change in leadership, Americans will continue to suffer under an over-reaching, out-of-touch federal government. Polls have consistently shown that this piece of legislation, that was jammed down our throats by Obama and Congressional Democrats, is wildly unpopular and should be repealed.

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Rep. Aderholt said, “House Republicans will continue to work to repeal the President’s flawed health care law, so that we enact common-sense, step-by-step reforms that protect Americans access to the care they need, from the doctors they choose, at a lower cost. I think you will see House Republicans act quickly once again to fully repeal the law and implement patient-centered reforms that ensure families and doctors make health care decisions.”

Chairman Armistead concluded, “We need a President in the White House who understands that market-based solutions that offer patients more choice, not less, is the answer to rising health care costs. Governor Romney has made it clear that the primary objective on his first day as President will be to fully repeal this tax and start over. The stakes have never been higher for a general election. It is now up to the American people to ensure the repeal of this tax by electing Mitt Romney as our next President on November 6th.”

President Obama has won another victory over the Tea Party and Conservatives in two rulings from the Supreme Court this week.  One ruling expanding the power of the federal government over citizens and the other (the Arizona Law decision) expanding federal power over state power.  The major battle will come on November 6th when both will make their case to the voters.  An Obama victory will likely lead to his landmark healthcare law becoming a permanent new entitlement beside Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, and Food Stamps.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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