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Governor, AG, Speaker and President Pro Tem Initial Response on Court Ruling

Staff Report

Governor Bentley Responds to Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona Immigration Law

MONTGOMERY – Alabama Governor Robert Bentley on Monday issued the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s immigration law.

“While Alabama’s anti-illegal immigration law has similar provisions as Arizona’s law, the laws are not identical. We will analyze the Supreme Court opinion to see what potential effect it might have on the provisions of Alabama’s law. State laws on immigration are required because the federal government has refused to enforce its own immigration policies. The bottom line to Alabama’s law is this: if you live and work in the state, you must do so legally. The people of Alabama want a strong immigration law, and I will keep my commitment to uphold and enforce Alabama’s anti-illegal immigration law.

The core of Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law remains. The Supreme Court has affirmed that states can determine how they will interpret and enforce their anti-illegal immigration laws. We are pleased that the Court recognizes the important roles of states in enforcing immigration laws.”

Statement of Attorney General, Luther Strange

Regarding U.S. Supreme Court Ruling about Arizona Immigration Law

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(MONTGOMERY)– Today the Supreme Court acknowledged that state law enforcement can play an important role in assisting the federal government in fulfilling its responsibility to enforce the immigration laws of this country. The Court, in this landmark decision, provides guidance on the validity of Arizona’s immigration law which will impact Alabama’s immigration law along with those of several other states.

Illegal immigration is a serious issue facing states across our nation, and it has been addressed by state legislatures in various ways. Hopefully today’s decision will spur the federal government to enforce the rule of law in the immigration arena.

My office will be reviewing today’s decision to determine the full extent of its impact on Alabama’s law and the pending litigation.

President Pro Tem Comments on Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona Illegal Immigration Law

MONTGOMERY – Alabama Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh released the following statement following the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on Arizona’s illegal immigration law:

“The Court validated our position that states have a role to play in enforcing illegal immigration laws – a critical component considering that President Obama has chosen to look the other way. We consider this a win for Alabama’s effort to make sure those who live and work in our state do so legally.”

Speaker Hubbard Reacts to Supreme Court Ruling on Arizona Illegal Immigration Law

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MONTGOMERY – House Speaker Mike Hubbard today reacted to the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Arizona’s illegal immigration law. The Court upheld a key provision of Arizona’s law also contained in Alabama’s illegal immigration law that allows law enforcement officers to determine the legal status of those suspected of being in the country illegally.

The following is from Speaker Hubbard:

“The Court’s decision to uphold the real teeth of Arizona’s illegal immigration law is a victory for Alabama and for all states that are fed up with the federal government’s refusal to enforce the law. States really are the last line of defense to protect the rights of the people, and never has that been more evident than with President Obama ordering federal agents to stand down on immigration enforcement actions. States have not only the right, but the duty to uphold the rule of law and protect their citizens, especially when the federal government refuses to do so.”

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