Staff Report
MONTGOMERY — Most Alabama voters are satisfied with the way things are going in Alabama, with the job Gov. Robert Bentley is doing and with the job the state Legislature is doing, according to a recent poll.
Most voters surveyed by the Capital Survey Research Center, the polling arm of the Alabama Education Association teachers’ lobby, also said the state of the Alabama economy was good for them and their families.
”I think people, on the economy question, are feeling pretty good about their own positions,” said polling center director Gerald Johnson.
”If they feel pretty good about their own status, that carries over to how an individual perceives the world around him or her, how the Legislature is doing, how the world is doing, how the state is doing,” Johnson said.
The statewide telephone poll surveyed 562 registered voters who said they planned to vote in the Nov. 6 general election. They were called May 21-23 and June 4-6. The poll’s margin of error was plus or minus 4.2 percent.
When asked if they were, in general, satisfied or dissatisfied with the way things are going in Alabama at this time, 6.5 percent of the voters polled said very satisfied, 46.1 percent said somewhat satisfied, 22.6 percent said somewhat dissatisfied, 21.0 percent said very dissatisfied and the rest said they didn’t know or didn’t reply.
When asked how satisfied they were with the job Gov. Robert Bentley is doing, 15.3 percent said very satisfied, 55.4 percent said somewhat satisfied, 15.2 percent said somewhat dissatisfied, 7.9 percent said very dissatisfied and the rest said they didn’t know or didn’t reply.