By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL) this week had stinging words concerning the President’s recent executive order.
In an address to the U.S. House, Brooks outlined the damage done to American jobs and American taxpayers by President Obama’s new partial amnesty program for illegal aliens.
While the Congressman says he, “strongly disagree with his policies,” he does not believe the President actions reach the level of high crimes or misdemeanors as some have suggested. “This is just part of the political process,” said Brooks in an interview with the Alabama Political Reporter.
“The president is trading what is in America’s best interests for votes from a special interest group,” said the congressman. Brooks says he believe that the president is committed to amnesty but thinks the timing is politically motivated.
“If the President had been serious about this issue he would have done it when the Democrats had total control of the house and senate and have done it in a statutory form,” said Brooks.
The congressman points to recent polling data that shows that the president is losing ground in his reelection bid, “His people are starting to sweat and get a little desperate.”
Brooks says that the economy is not reacting well from bad policy emanating from the Whitehorse and all that is foretelling of an Obama loss in November.
“So they are appealing to special interests groups to motivate that block of voters to turn out in higher numbers than they otherwise would,” said Brooks. “He has done it with the homosexual community he is now doing it with the people that like illegal aliens and who knows who he is going to do it with next.”
Brooks, says he thinks that the partial amnesty for an estimated 3 million illegal aliens and mandated acceptance of illegal alien work permit applications is bad for America.
“It is unconscionable for the White House to pit unemployed Americans against illegal aliens in a competition for scarce jobs.”
Brooks says that America suffers an 8.2 percent unemployment rate but says it is even worse, Hispanic Americans suffer an 11% percent unemployment rate, African Americans suffer a 14 percent unemployment rate and American teenagers who are suffering a 25 percent unemployment rate.
“I understand heartfelt compassion for illegal aliens, but where is the compassion for millions of Americans who are unemployed and suffering from jobs lost to illegal aliens.” said Brooks. “Where is the compassion for American taxpayers who must pay higher taxes to support millions of extra unemployed?
The President is trading what is in America’s best interests for votes from a special interest group.
I think this is something he believes in but it is also a political trick to win reelection.
“If he had been serious about this issue he would have done it when the democrats had total control of the house and senate and have done it in a statute form. The polling data shows that he is losing ground and his people are starting to sweat and get a little desperate,” said Brooks.
There is an increasing risk of the President is drifting towards a dictatorship but Brooks doesn’t seem to believe so.
“It is a shame that the voters are not paying more attention. Five supreme court justices that do hold him accountable, but the problem is that it takes years for these things to go through the judicial system for it to reach the Supreme Court where they slap him down for exceeding his constitutional authority.”
“I don’t see any chance of a bill of impeachment going anywhere because of the the extremely radical leadership of Harry Reed,” Brooks said. He points out that Bill Clinton was impeached for a felony act “yet the Democrats were so partisan that they protected a felon.”
They would do the same with Barack Obama if there was evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors. He said, “I don’t see sound evidence to convince me that he has done anything to warrant impeachment so I have given it a seconds thought.”
“The administration has come up with at least plausible, minimal legal support for everything they have done.
While I may strongly disagree with his policies that is not a high crimes or misdemeanors. This is just part of the political process. The errors he has made and the judicial system will show that he has been wrong and where he has violated the Constitution. I hope that the judicial system will do the right thing with Obamacare,” said Brooks.