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Sharia Law Topic for Rainy Day Patriots Gathering

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

On Thursday, Larry Clifton, the Chairman of the Birmingham Chapter of ACT For America addressed the Rainy Day Patriots.  According to the group’s website, ACT for America is: “a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization whose mission is to give Americans concerned about national security, terrorism, and the threat of radical Islam, a powerful, organized, informed and mobilized voice.”  The group has active chapters in Birmingham, Lineville, Wetumpka, Decatur, Millry, and Mobile.

Chairman Clifton said that Sharia Law and the radical Muslim Agenda is a very serious problem in America.  Clifton said that Muslims were spreading in and colonizing America in what he called a “civilizational jihad.”  Clifton said that Islam is 90% political and just 10% religious.

According to Chairman Clifton, Islam is based on Muhammad who was born in Mecca where he had gathered about 150 followers after 13 years of preaching.  His neighbors finally grew tired of the new faith and ran Muhammad out of town.  He went to Medina where he became the warlord and began raiding caravans going to Mecca.  Eventually he conquered Mecca and the rest of medieval Arabia.  Non-Muslims were given three options: convert to Islam, become a third class citizen, or die.  Clifton says the Koran tells you to be like Muhammad in every way and that includes supporting jihad against the infidels (non-Muslims)

Chairman Clifton said that immigration is how they (Muslims) take over infidel countries.  “Immigration is the first state of jihad.” Clifton said that entire communities are emigrating to the U.S.” Clifton estimates that Islam has killed 670 million people since Muhammad founded the faith in the seventh century.  “We have got stealth jihad going on at a very rapid pace.”  “Most Islamic doctrine is political not religious.”  “Islam is a supremacist doctrine.”  The Koran tells them that they are the greatest of people.  Chairman Clifton said that much of his presentation was based on the work of Dr. Bill Warner, an Islamic scholar in Tennessee who wrote the book, ‘Sharia Islam for the non-Muslim.’

Chairman Clifton said that Muslim enclaves are growing in Europe.  Swedish women are often raped by Muslims.  Chairman Clifton said that there are mass demonstrations in London from Muslims calling for replacing English law with Sharia law.  Clifton said that the Muslims are going to win the countries of Europe.  Chairman Clifton said that Europe today is the U.S. 20 years from now.

Mr. Clifton said that here in America 911 was a political action.  Clifton said that already textbooks in America must be approved by Muslim councils and banks were being pressured to follow Sharia compliant rules of finance.  He accused Muslim charities of giving money to jihadists.  Chairman Clifton said that Muslims were actively proselytizing in the prisons and that one third of our most violent criminals have converted to Islam.  Chairman Clifton said that nothing is compatible between constitutional law and Sharia law.

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Chairman Clifton said that there were no equal rights for women under Sharia Law.  “A husband can beat his wife any time he wants too.”  Islam allows child brides and polygamy is an everyday fact in Islamic communities, they just keep it hidden.  Chairman Clifton said that Muslims will kill apostates who renounce their Islamic faith.  Clifton said that Muslims were opposed to democracy because it makes a non-Muslim equal to a Muslim.

ACT For America was founded by Brigitte Gabriel, a Lebanese Christian immigrant who came to the United States in the aftermath of the Lebanese Civil War.  The group has been denounced as a hate group by the Montgomery based Southern Poverty Law Center.

The Southern Poverty Law Center says: “Gabriel views Islam in absolute terms as a monolithic threat to the United States, Israel and the West. She is prone to sweeping generalizations and exaggerations as she describes a grand, sophisticated Muslim conspiracy bent on world domination. Of the people profiled here, she alone has focused on building a grassroots organization, claiming 155,000 members and 500 chapters around the country. Questions persist about the accuracy of her autobiographical account of being a victim of Muslim militancy in Lebanon.”

ACT for America’s website explains, “Whether the specific threat is violent jihad, stealth jihad, the advance of sharia law, the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood, or the scourge of political correctness which is enabling the rise of radical Islam, ACT! for America stands ready to take action as the largest national security grassroots organization in America.”

Alabama Republican State Senator Cam Ward sponsored legislation in the 2012 legislative session which would have made it illegal for a judge in Alabama to apply international laws, like Sharia Law, in an Alabama Courtroom.  The bill, SB33, was co-sponsored by Republican Senators Gerald Dial, Clay Scofield, Jabo Waggoner and Tom Whatley.  The amendment to the Alabama Constitution of 1901 was buried in Committee in the Senate.

To learn more about ACT For America visit their website:

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For the Southern Poverty Law Center’s opinion on the group:

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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