By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Congressman Mo Brooks (R) from Huntsville released a written statement to announce that the U.S. House has passed HR 4310, the FY2013 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The new NDAA passed 299 to 120.
Representative Brooks said, “I voted in favor of the FY2013 National Defense Authorization Act, and I believe the NDAA will help provide our men and women in uniform with the equipment and training they require to continue being the best warfighters in the world.” “I appreciate the support of my fellow Members of Congress in passing the three critical amendments I offered for the National Defense Authorization Act.”
Rep. Brooks said, “This NDAA includes three of my amendments, all of which address significant issues for national defense. The first amendment prevents the White House from sharing our missile defense technologies, particularly hit-to-kill technologies, with the Russian Federation as the President has previously expressed a desire to do. These valuable technologies should not be surrendered to Russia in light of their recent aggressive statements about attacking U.S.-led NATO missile sites, and because these technologies could also then be shared with hostile nation states such as North Korea and Iran.”
Rep. Brooks said, “My second amendment protects U.S. manufacturing and jobs, as well as the military supply line, by repealing a regulation that allowed the Department of Defense to move steel plate production outside the U.S. The third amendment ensures that the Air Force’s New Entrant Launch Vehicle Certification program doesn’t supplant their current launch system with unproven or experimental systems.”
Rep. Brooks said on the floor of the House, “I oppose Representative Polis’ amendment to cut Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) by $403 Million. Russia’s most senior military leader recently threatened to pre-emptively attack U.S.-led NATO missile defense sites in Europe should America not kowtow to Russian demands. In light of these threats, and others from North Korea and Iran, a strong missile defense system is vital to the safety and security of America and American troops deployed overseas.” “GMD is critical to America’s national security.” Rep. Brooks said that the Polis Amendment would put American cities and lives at risk.
Rep. Brooks also successfully defeated attempts by the Obama administration to cut funding for the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) system. The GMD is currently the only system protecting the continental United States from potential missile attack. North Korea and Iran are both working on improving their missile programs. North Korea has defied the international community by developing nuclear weapons. Iran’s own nuclear program has been plagued by delays and technical issues, though the Muslem country appears to be on the verge of developing their own nuclear arsenal.
Rep. Mo Brooks represents Alabama’s 5th Congressional District. He is seeking his second term in the U.S. Congress. His opponent in the November 6th General election is Charlie Holley (D).
To read Rep. Brooks statement in its entirety: