By Staff Report
Alabama Political Reporter
From the Office of the Alabama Republican Party
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — The Alabama Republican Party hosted former President George W. Bush White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer tonight at a reception at a local private residence for local Party activists. Justice Glenn Murdock and Agriculture Commissioner John McMillan were also present.
The former White House spokesman reflected on his experiences in the White House, as well as other topics including November elections and issues specifically affecting Alabamians, like immigration. Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead said he could not have been more pleased to host Fleischer in Alabama.
“We are honored to have Ari Fleischer in Birmingham as a guest of the Alabama Republican Party,” Armistead said. “As the face of the Bush administration during some of the most difficult times in our nation’s recent history, Mr. Fleischer served the White House with a poise and confidence that offered Americans hope and security during troubling times. He is rightfully regarded as one of the most respected, effective White House communicators in our lifetimes. He is a great American and a great Republican, and we are honored to have him as our guest tonight.”
Fleischer commented on the success of the Alabama Republican Party and praised Chairman Armistead for his commitment to growing the Party and to send support to Florida for the general election.
“I had the opportunity to visit Birmingham many times before with President Bush and it is always wonderful to visit with fellow Republicans in Alabama,” Fleischer said. “The leadership of the Republican Party in Alabama is as strong as that of any in the country. I am honored to be your guest this evening.”
Fleischer shared his view on several topics, including the probable results of the general election in November, noting that the conservative credentials of Republican presidential presumptive nominee, Governor Mitt Romney, would help turn out Republican voters in Alabama, “We need a new President who understands what Governor Romney understands. We are the Party of fiscal discipline, which is what the country desperately needs right now. Obama’s economic policies have failed Americans and they have failed Alabamians.”
Fleischer’s appearance was only one of a number of high profile events hosted by the Alabama Republican Party in 2012. Other speakers who have visited or are scheduled to visit Alabama this year as guests of the Alabama Republican Party are Congressman Joe Wilson (R-SC), Florida Gov. Rick Scott, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, and U.S. Rep. Allen West. Armistead stated that he planed to include every area of the state in celebrating the success of the Republican Party as he brings VIP Republicans to Alabama.