By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
The American Conservative Union (ACU) announced on Wednesday that Congressman Mo Brooks (R) from Huntsville was the most conservative congressman in the Alabama House Delegation in 2011. Rep. Brooks achieved a conservative voting score of 88% in the ACU’s annual ratings of the Congress.
Rep. Brooks said, “I appreciate being recognized as an ‘ACU Conservative’ for my work in the 112th Congress. The ACU has a long history of supporting policies that encourage economic growth, reduce wasteful government spending, promote personal responsibility, and enhance national security. With every vote I cast, I strive to ensure we are forwarding the founding principles that made this country great and promoting American exceptionalism.”
The second highest scoring member of Alabama’s Congressional Delegation was Congressman Martha Roby (R) from Montgomery with an 84%. Congressman Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia was third with an 80% rating. Congressman Robert Aderholt (R) from Haleyville received a 76% rating. Congressman Mike Rogers (R) from Anniston and Rep. Jo Bonner (R) from Mobile both had a 72% rating. Representing a different philosophical bent, Congresswoman Terri Sewell (D) from Selma received a 0% rating. In the Senate, Jeff Sessions and Richard Shelby both received a 90% conservative voting record in 2011. Sen. Sessions has the highest lifetime rating for anyone in the Alabama delegation from either house with a 95.07% conservative voting rating.
Nine members of the U.S. Senate received perfect 100% conservative voting ratings (according to the ACU) in 2011. They were Senators Rand Paul (R) from Kentucky, Orrin Hatch (R) from Utah, Jim Demint (R) from South Carolina, Marco Rubio (R) from Florida, Ron Johnson (R) from Wisconsin, James Inhofe (R) from Oklahoma, Tom Coburn (R) from Oklahoma, David Vitter (R) from Louisiana, and Mike Lee (R) from Utah.
Fourteen members of the U.S. House received perfect 100% ratings in 2011. They were Representatives Buerkle, Chaffetz, Flake, Fleming, Franks, Gingrey, Tom Graves, Jordan, Lamborn, McClintock, Mulvaney, Quayle, Dennis Ross, and Stutzman.
According to their website, “The American Conservative Union tracks a wide range of issues before Congress to determine which issues and votes serve as a dividing line to help separate those Members of the U.S. House and Senate who protect liberty as conservatives and those who are truly liberal. As a result, the ACU Ratings of Congress has throughout its 38 Editions included a wide variety of issues covering votes on taxes, wasteful government spending, cultural issues, defense and foreign policy.”
Congressman Mo Brooks represents Alabama’s 5th Congressional District.