By Bill Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
MONTGOMERY– Multiple sources from inside the administration have confirmed staff changes are coming within the governor’s inner circle.
According to these sources current Chief of Staff David Perry will be leaving the governor’s office to join RSA. Perry will be replacing Mark Reynolds who has exited RSA.
Perry will be replaced by Tom Surtees who has worked diligently to promote the Governor’s agenda at the statehouse over the 2012 session. There seems to be universal consensus supporting Surtees as Chief of Staff.
Also leaving the governor’s office is Clay Ryan. Ryan will be leaving to head up Bentley’s re-election campaign.
Of course the wildcard will be where now Chief Justice Chuck Malone will land.
Many believe that this reorganization, if it occurs, will give the Governor a much needed re-set after the drubbing the Governor’s bills have taken during the current session.
The hostility between the governor’s office and the legislature has been public and purposefully strident.
While the Governor enjoys immense popularity among the people of Alabama, his office has received little respect from the legislative body.
Everyone involved in the shake-up seem to be receiving a very soft landing after the lack of progress this session.
Update: Jennifer Ardis, spokesperson for Governor Bentley, says the story has inaccuracies.
Update 2: The governor’s office has gone into a full court press to discredit our report on “Shake up in the Governor’s inner circle”. The only thing they have denied is that David Perry is leaving the Governor’s office.