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Senator Beason, President Pro Tem Marsh Comment on House Bill Aimed at Improving Anti-Illegal Immigration Law

From the Office of the President Pro Tem Del Marsh

MONTGOMERY – Senator Scott Beason (R-Gardendale) and Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh say a proposal introduced today in the Alabama House of Representatives will improve the state’s anti-illegal immigration law.

House Bill 658, sponsored by Representative Mickey Hammon (R-Decatur), will revise the law to make it more workable for local governments, more enforceable for state and local police, and less burdensome for law-abiding citizens and businesses.

“We’ve said all along that the legislature would be open to clarifications pertaining to the administration of the law,” Senator Beason said. “I am committed to ensuring that any revisions do not weaken, or water down, the law.”

Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh said the proposed legislation strengthens the current law by adding additional clarifications and definitions that could potentially impede enforcement or cause undue burden on businesses and local governments.

“With every bill we pass, the goal is to ensure a streamlined, efficient implementation of the law,” Senator Marsh said. “Over the past year, we’ve met with countless leaders across the state to come up with sensible suggestions on how to improve Alabama’s illegal immigration law. The vast majority of Alabamians support the state’s effort to address illegal immigration and we remain committed to doing just that. These revisions will improve the current law – not weaken it.”

State Sen. Del Marsh, R-Anniston, served until recently as the Senate president pro tempore of the Alabama Senate.

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