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Republican 2013 Budget Passes House: Aderholt, Bonner, and Bachus Comment

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

The United States House of Representatives Passed the House Republican fiscal year 2013 budget Thursday by 228 to 191.  Both Congressmen Robert Aderholt (R) from Haleyville, Jo Bonner from Mobile and Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia issued written statements.

Representative Robert Aderholt said, “There is little doubt that our nation’s $15 trillion debt is this generation’s greatest domestic challenge.”  “Failure to address the staggering debt now is irresponsible and will ensure for the first time in our nation’s history our children and grandchildren will live in an America with less opportunity than this generation.”

Congressman Jo Bonner said, “For the second year in a row the House has shown that it can lead the debate to cut federal spending.  The House Republican budget rejects the president’s premise that new taxes and bigger deficits are unavoidable.”

Representative Spencer Bachus said, “The spending, borrowing, and debt piling up in Washington is simply unsustainable. It is already compromising our economic growth and will lead the U.S. down the same perilous path that Greece and other countries in Europe have taken. Reducing spending and restructuring entitlement programs will have clear benefits for our economy now and give our nation a greater chance of success in the long run. If we put off making these decisions, our children and grandchildren will suffer the worst of the consequences and that is absolutely irresponsible.”

Rep. Bonner said, “House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan’s ‘Path to Prosperity’ budget cuts new spending by $5 trillion and reduces the budget deficit by more than $3 trillion over ten years compared to President Obama’s budget.

Rep. Aderholt explained, “Earlier this year, the President presented Congress a budget proposal that would increase spending by $1.5 trillion and projects adding $11 trillion to the debt, meanwhile the Senate still hasn’t passed a budget in over 1,000 days. The unserious approach of the Administration and Senate leadership to budgeting is simply unacceptable. Once again the House is leading the charge offering principled, practical solutions to our nation’s greatest challenge.”

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The U.S. House of Representative also voted unanimously to reject the $3.8 trillion FY2013 budget submitted by President Barack H. Obama.  Rep. Bachus said that the President’s budget was “more of the failed old tax, spend, and borrow policies.”

“Rising health care costs have put enormous strain on Medicare and are ultimately threatening to bankrupt the program and the country. Throughout budget discussions I have been greatly concerned our nation’s seniors will be affected by any reforms to Medicare and it is important to note that the budget passed today would not change the program for anyone 55 years of age or older. While I remained concerned about the overall impact of these proposed systemic changes, it is clear that we have to start the conversation and this bill is a first step,” Rep. Aderholt said.

Rep. Bonner said, “Furthermore, the House-passed budget repeals the president’s unpopular and unconstitutional health care law and reforms the tax code to make it simple, fair and competitive.  In contrast, the Senate hasn’t passed a budget in nearly three years.”

Rep. Bachus’s written statement said, “The House Republican budget proposal that would reduce out-of-control spending, repeal Obamacare, institute pro-growth tax reform, and put entitlement programs like Medicaid and Medicare on a sustainable fiscal course.”

Rep. Paul Ryan who chairs that House Budget Committee said on Twitter, “I couldn’t be prouder of my colleagues who have joined me in this historic vote to meet America’s defining challenge.”

The National Debt is $15.6 trillion.  The federal budget deficit is currently $1.3 trillion and federal spending is currently at $3.6 trillion per year.

The largest budget items are currently Medicare/Medicaid at $832 billion, Social Security $736 billion, Defense and Wars $695 billion, Income Security $390 billion, Interest on the Debt $226 billion, and federal pension $214 billion.  According to the CBO, Income security includes such programs as supplemental security income, earned income tax credits, unemployment compensation, nutrition assistance, family support, child nutrition, foster care, and Making Work Pay.

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To read Rep. Aderholt’s statement:

To read Rep. Bachus’s statement in its entirety:

To read Rep. Bonner’s statement in its entirety:

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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