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Sessions Say That Republicans Would Pass A Budget If They Controlled Senate

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

United States Senator Jeff Sessions (R) from Alabama issued a statement Wednesday promising that if voters give Republicans the privilege of a Senate next year, then together the House and the Senate would pass an honest budget that: “will change the debt course of America.”

Senator Sessions, speaking about the Republican controlled House of Representatives budget said, “The Republican House has charted a different direction. They presented an honest plan to control wasteful Washington spending, restore Medicare to safety, and grow the middle class—not the government. They also repeal the president’s health law, which is one of the greatest threats to America’s financial stability. They fulfilled the duty they were elected to perform.”

Sen. Sessions then discussed the performance of the Democratic leadership in the Senate on budget issues, “By contrast, the Senate’s Democrat majority has set a new record: three straight years without offering a budget plan at a time when we’ve never needed a budget more. In so doing, Senate Democrats forfeited their claim on leadership.”

Sessions said, “America’s per-person debt is worse than Greece, the president’s health law will spend $2.6 trillion during its first full ten years, and every child born today will owe more than $1.5 million in debt over the course of their lifetime. As the president’s own top officials have repeatedly warned: we are on a dangerously unsustainable path.”  Sen. Sessions said that “President Obama’s budget plan, as Treasury Secretary Geithner admitted for the second year in a row, keeps us on that unsustainable path. In fact, the president’s budget raises taxes by almost $2 trillion in order to pay for a $1.6 trillion spending increase—not to reduce the deficit.”

Sen. Sessions concluded, “Should voters give Republicans the privilege of a majority in the Senate next year, we will work with our colleagues in the House to finally pass a congressional budget plan. It will be an honest budget, and it will change the debt course of America.”

Senator Sessions is the ranking Member of the Senate Budget Committee and would be the likely Chairman of the Budget Committee if the Republicans were able to win control of the Senate in November.

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The Federal Government’s total debt has climbed to $15.6 trillion.  The federal budget deficit is $1.3 trillion per year.  President Barack H. Obama has increased the national debt more in his three years in office than President George W. Bush did in 8 years.  The President’s budget proposal calls for deficits throughout the second term in office he is currently campaigning for.  The National Debt is anticipated to reach $17.5 trillion next year and reach $25.9 trillion in 2022.

To read Senator Sessions statement in its entirety:

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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