By Susan Britt
Alabama Political Reporter
On Thursday, twenty-four conservative women’s groups from around the state of Alabama met with two Republican state representatives to hold a protest in Montgomery against what was to be a keynote speech to be given by Bill Maher at the Democrat fundraiser preceding his performance. Maher is the host of HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher,
“This has brought conservative women from across that state from as far north as the Shoals to as far south as Mobile. We have come together, united together as Republican women as conservative women. We also have Tea Party groups that are represented here today,” said Stephanie Smith, Alabama Federation of Republican Women told the crowd.
She continued, “The reason for the entire event was to call to attention the fact that the Alabama Democrat Party was seeking to profit from Bill Maher’s hate speech. We wanted to call the people of Alabama’s attention to that and make sure that they knew who the Alabama Democrat Party was associating with, and to express both our displeasure and make sure that everyone knew what we knew which was that we stand for people being treated well.”
Maher has on several occasions referred to Former GOP Governor and Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin, using the C word and well as other inflammatory remarks. He also referred to Tuesday’s Alabama Primary as “Toothless Tuesday.”
By the time of the event, Maher’s appearance at the Democrat fundraiser had retracted saying that Maher would not appear at the event only the scheduled show following.
“So, the Democratic Party has listened to that and withdrawn them as their speaker. We just say congratulations and thank you for your hard work,” said said Rep. Terri Collins (R-Decatur).
Comedian Bill Maher is scheduled to appear at the Von Braun Civic Center (VBCC) on Saturday, March 17 at 8:00 p.m.
Maher is a controversial comedian who constantly makes demeaning remarks about Republican woman on his weekly show. A nationwide backlash has ensued since Maher is a $1 million donor to the “pro-Obama Super PAC.”
President Obama admonished Rush Limbaugh for remarks made on his radio show concerning Sandra Fluke, but refused to admonish Maher for his repeated insults toward woman of the GOP . As a result, much controversy has erupted as demands for the super PAC to return Maher’s money have gone unanswered. Limbaugh apologized to Fluke for his statements, Maher never has.
The tickets for the fundraiser show a picture of Maher. Titled “An Evening with Bill Maher” the ticket purchase price of $100 includes the Democrat reception as well as a admission to Maher’s show.
“Bill Maher stands behind the fact that he is a comedian and excuses himself the liberty of using vulgarities and slanderous remarks against females, especially elected Republican females, such as Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin and former presidential candidate Michelle Bachman. But when someone donates $1 million to the re-election campaign of President Barack Obama he steps out of that entertainer roll and right into the political category,” said Rep. Becky Nordgren (R-Gadsden). “Among the people I know that are Democrats, they don’t think it is appropriate either in the state of Alabama.”
I think it is totally inappropriate for the Democrat party to embrace him and make a profit off him. Instead of debating the issues he’s just name-calling.
Democrat Party officials say that Maher was not scheduled to appear at the reception and that they are not making money off of the Maher event but simply purchased a block of tickets and resold them.
Dr. Gina Louden, WYDE 101.1 in her speech sent a warning to the Alabama Democratic Party, “We will be watching. We were watching in this case.”