By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Senator Rick Santorum won both the Alabama and Mississippi primaries last night. As of Press Time, Speaker Gingrich and Governor Romney were statistically tied for second in Alabama. ‘The Alabama Political Reporter’ covered the nights events from both the Newt Gingrich victory party and the Alabama Republican Party’s Watch the Results Party. Both events were in the Winfrey Hotel in Hoover, Alabama.
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead told the gathering of Alabama Republicans that “Alabama is leading the nation. The direction that Alabama goes the nation is likely to follow.” ‘The Alabama Political Reporter’ asked Chairman Armistead if Gov. Romney would have won Alabama if he had participated in the Alabama GOP’s first ever Presidential Forum on Monday Night. The Chairman told us, “I think he could have. That is what I told him on Friday.” The polls had Sen. Santorum in third prior to Monday night’s event.
“I offer my congratulations to Senator Rick Santorum on his victory in Alabama,” said Armistead. “All of our presidential candidates ran a good race in the state, and we can unofficially say that Santorum, Gingrich and Romney will all be awarded delegates to represent them at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida this August. We appreciate each of them waging an active campaign to win Alabama’s delegates.
In a written statement Chairman Armistead said, “Republican voters in Alabama turned out Tuesday because they know that Obama’s policies have taken our country in the wrong direction and they are anxious to help choose the person who will make him a one-term President. Though it will still be several weeks before we have a final answer as to who our nominee will be, the ‘Deep South’ Super Tuesday Primary helped add a new and dynamic element to the race, and we’re proud to have been party of history.”
Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum said, “We did it again.” I want to thank everybody.” I want to thank God for giving us the strength to keep going and getting out there. Santorum noted that he was outspent by the Romney campaigan but said “This is a grassroots campaign for America.” “This campaign is about ordinary folks doing extraordinary things.” “That is what America has always been about.” “I was so encouraged.” “I want to say to the people of Alabama tonight you made a great difference.”
Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich thanked Alabama State Senator Jabo Waggoner and Michael Ciamarra for their work in the campaign. “I congratulate Rick Santorum on running a great campaign. “We will leave Alabama with a substantial number of delegates with your help we will have a much bigger delegation than we had.” “The elites in the media efforts to convince the nation that Mitt Romney’s nomination is inevitable just collapsed. If you are the frontrunner and you keep coming in third you are not much of a frontrunner.”
Speaker Gingrich said that he is “Affecting the national debate more than Romney’s $millions in ads have done.” He said that he has been attacked by the Press Secretary and the President has given two speeches on energy. Gingrich said that Secretary of Anti-Energy Dr. Chu has announced that he had changed his position and was not for European gas prices any more. Need somebody who can go toe to toe with Barack Obama.
Speaker Gingrich said, “We need a visionary leader who is prepared to talk about jobs, talk about energy, and talk about the really big choices.” “Saturday Romney said that Newt Gingrich was right about gasoline.”
Speaker Gingrich said, “Substance requires actually knowing something. Unfortunately virtually everything that Barack Obama knows is wrong.” “A President who believed in Science and technology would drive gas prices down to $2.50 a gallon and no President would never again bow to a Saudi King.”
Speaker Gingrich said, “We have ended any media talk about the inevitability of their candidate’s nomination.” “Every six weeks the media says we are dead.” The biggest challenge going forward is raising money.” Speaker Gingrich said that he represents 175,000 contributors, 95% of them gave $250 or less.” “The person who gives me hope is Samuel Samford, an unemployed person who heard my speech on CSPAN. He gave $2.50 and became contributor number 175,000. He is currently unemployed and receiving cancer treatment. “His commitment to America was a humbling moment.”
Speaker Gingrich said that over 70% of the vote went to the two conservative candidates. “I believe that when all the primaries are over it will be obvious that the obvious frontrunner did not get there.” “With each passing week Romney looks less and less inevitable.”
Bill Armistead said that Alabama is leading the nation. The direction that Alabama goes the nation is likely to follow. ‘The Alabama Political Reporter’ asked Chairman Armistead if Gov. Romney would have won Alabama if he had participated in the Alabama GOP’s
Senator Santorum was endorsed by Congressman Robert Aderholt and by Alabama Governor Bentley
Former Governor Bob Riley, Lt. Governor Kay Ivey, and Congressman Mike Rogers endorsed Gov. Mitt Romney.
Former Governor Fob James endorsed Newt Gingrich.
As of Press Time, Santorum had 35% of the vote. Gingrich and Romney each had 29% of the vote. Ron Paul did not campaign in Alabama and appears to be fading.