By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Congressman Mo Brooks (R) from Huntsville is facing a stiff primary challenge from former Congressman Parker Griffith in the Tuesday March 13th Republican Primary. Rep. Brooks unseated Rep. Griffith two years ago in the Republican Primary. Congressman Brooks has been endorsed by the Business Council of Alabama.
“Mo Brooks is a strong believer in the free enterprise system and understands that in order for the economy to grow, existing businesses need to be able to hire more workers without more burdensome federal regulations,” said Terry Kellogg, chairman of the BCA board of directors and president and CEO of BlueCross BlueShield of Alabama. “His commitment to job creation in north Alabama is why the board of directors is pleased to support his bid for reelection.”
Representative Brooks has also been endorsed by ALFA, the Eagle Forum, the Alabama Association of Realtors, the South Huntsville Civic Association, and by popular North Alabama talk radio host Dale Jackson.
Dale Jackson said, “I have watched Mo Brooks fight battles over illegal immigration, taxes and federal intervention into the real estate market. I know he will fight for us in DC.” “I have watched Mo Brooks fight the good fights for our beliefs when he has to. He has fought other county commissioners, mayors and school boards. I know he will stand up to other Congressmen when the need arises.” “His degree in economics and skills as a legislator, businessman, attorney and county commissioner will serve this district well.”
“We are very proud of his record,” South Huntsville Civic Association President Jeannee Gannuch said. “His votes reflect the values of our community and the fiscal responsibility of his district.”
The association has about 1,100 dues-paying members, endorsed incumbent U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks, R-Huntsville, over former Congressman Parker Griffith in the March 13 GOP primary. Brooks is a longtime south Huntsville resident.
In 2008, 5th District Democratic incumbent Bud Cramer unexpectedly retired. Dr. Parker Griffith then ran as a Democrat and was elected to the U.S. Congress from the increasingly Republican leaning Congressional District. The freshman Democratic Congressman clashed early and often with then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D) from California and newly elected President Barack H. Obama (D). The southern Blue dog Democrat objected bitterly to the President’s health care proposals (Obamacare). Madison County Commissioner and former state Representative Mo Brooks ran as a Republican for the seat in 2010. Rep. Griffith switched parties and ran as a Republican in the 2010 Republican Primary, where the long time Republican Brooks defeated him in a three person field. Commissioner Brooks then defeated former lobbyist Steve Raby (D) in the 2010 general election.