By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Alabama’s senior member of the House, Congressman Spencer Bachus (R) from Vestavia, has been engaged in the most expensive primary battle in the history of Alabama Republican Congressional politics.
Where normally a Republican incumbent in Alabama faces only token opposition, Rep. Bachus’s tenth reelection campaign has been a monumental struggle. At one point Rep. Bachus had five Republican challengers. That has since diminished to just three. The current Congressman is being challenged by popular Alabama State Senator Scott Beason from Gardendale, Shelby County Tea Party Activist Al Mickle, and Blount County Probate Judge David Standridge. In addition to his three actual opponents the Political Action Committee (PAC), the Campaign for Primary Accountability, has targeted the veteran incumbent congressman. Rep. Bachus, the Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee has fought back with his massive campaign war chest flooding the radio and television airwaves with relentless advertising. According to a Friday Politico article Rep. Bachus said, “If I hadn’t had a million dollars in my account, I would be underwater right now.”
Saturday ‘The Alabama Political Reporter’ caught up with challenger Senator Beason on the campaign trail meeting with his ground team. We asked the Gardendale Senator: You have been outspent by ten to one, If Rep. Bachus wins this race does that send the message to the rest of the Congress that money matters more than anything else in a Congressional race? Sen. Beason said, “I think it does when you consider that the congressman (Bachus) has not been to any events, refused to debate, and does not attend any Republican Party functions.
We asked Sen. Beason : the overwhelming majority of Bachus’ contributions come from out-of-state (80%) and 89% of Bachus’s funds come from outside of the sixth district. Do you think most of those big money donors care anything about the overall job that Bachus is doing or is most of that money just trying to “influence” the Financial Services chairman on banking legislation??? Sen. Beason replied, “It is because of his position on the committee. They are not thinking of the overall condition of the country.
When Rep. Bachus went to Congress the National Debt was just $4.1 trillion. Today it is $15.5 trillion and Congress raised the debt ceiling twice in the last year. If elected to the United States Congress will you vote to raise the debt ceiling? Senator Beason replied, “I have no intention to raise the debt ceiling.”
“The big question is whether Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the big banking lobbies can buy this election with TV ads,” Sen. Scott Beason said in a written statement. “We’ve already got the grassroots, and we are still out there holding Town Hall events, knocking on doors and making phone calls daily. We’ve already won the ground game, talk radio and on the internet. It’s now a contest between Alabama’s wonderful grassroots conservatives and DC special interest groups.”
Sen. Beason’s written statement said “According to The Hill, Bachus referred to his vote in favor of TARP bailouts as a “gift which keeps on giving.” On Tuesday, what will be determined is whether the financial service industries which Bachus is charged to regulate can purchase a congressional seat. “The big question is whether Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the big banking lobbies can buy this election with TV ads,” said Sen. Beason. “
“These conservative organizations are helping to level the playing field while we are hitting the ground hard daily and running our own ads, too. I’ve won tough races before, and I’m optimistic that the voters will take a close look at each of our records and cast their votes based on their Alabama values,” Beason finished.
The Republican Primary is Tuesday, March 13th.
To learn more about Scott Beason’s campaign visit his website