By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Alabama Republican Party Chairman Bill Armistead announced Wednesday that a forum will be held between Presidential candidates on Monday.
In a written statement Chairman Armistead said, “I want to invite you to join us on Monday, March 12th at the Birmingham Theater for the Alabama Presidential Forum. We are very excited to share that Speaker Newt Gingrich and Senator Rick Santorum have confirmed that they will be joining us at this historic event. We are still working with the Paul and Romney campaigns in hopes that they will also be able to join us. Since making this announcement we have been inundated with media calls from all across the state and the country, including Fox News, Politico, CNN, and the Wall Street Journal. We are anticipating a large turnout, both from the media and interested voters such as you. Seats are limited and will be offered on a first come, first seated basis. Doors open at 3:30, so please arrive early and be ready to show your support for your favorite candidate!
“This event will be a first of its kind for Alabama Republicans and we are excited to invite you to join us! The event will be free of charge and open to the public. Space and seating is limited to 2,000 individuals. Due to timing, ALGOP will not be taking reservations. Admittance to this event will be on a first come, first in basis,” Chairman Armistead said.
The forum will be held at the historic Alabama Theater. The forum will be at 5:30 pm and the doors will open at 3:30 pm. The Theater is at 1817 3rd Avenue North Birmingham AL 35203
For more information please call 205-212-5900.
Governor Mitt Romney will be at an event at Thompson Tractor in Birmingham Friday at 2:00. The address is 2401 Pinson Valley Parkway, Birmingham in Building 3. Call the Romney Press Office for more information at 857-288-3610
Senator Rick Santorum will be at the Birmingham forum Monday Night.
Thursday, Sen. Santorum will attend rallies in Pelham, Huntsville, and Mobile.
Santorum will begin the day at the Davidson Space Center in Huntsville at 10:00 AM
At 2:00 pm Sen. Santorum will be holding a rally at the Pelham Civic Complex at 500 Amphitheater Road Pelham. Contact: Matt Beynon at 703-307-8633 for more information about both events.
At 7:00 pm Senator Santorum will be at the Alabama Policy Institute for a Presidential Forum at the Arthur R. Outlaw Mobile Convention Center. For more information contact Jo Anne Lindley at (205) 870-9900, extension 124 or by email at
For more information about the Alabama GOP go to their website: