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Armistead Releases Statement on The Right to See and Know Act

Staff Report

ALGOP Media Release

BIRMINGHAM, AL – The Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party, Bill Armistead, released the following statement regarding Senator Clay Scofield’s Senate Bill 12, The Right to Know and See Act-

“Every life is precious, whether in the mother’s womb or out of the mother’s womb. Senator Scofield’s Right to Know and See Act would go a long way to protecting the life of unborn children in Alabama by requiring all pregnant mothers who are contemplating abortion to undergo an ultrasound procedure.  This procedure will give them the opportunity to see images of their unborn child and hear a verbal explanation of what appears on the monitor. Despite Senator Scofield’s assurances that the language of the bill is being changed to afford expectant mothers the decision on which type of ultrasound to undergo, Democratic House Minority Leader, Representative Craig Ford, continues to oppose this legislation. Back home Ford claims to be a pro-life Democrat, but his opposition to bills like this in Montgomery indicates his true stance on the value of life. Other states such as Nebraska, Texas, Oklahoma and North Carolina have already passed similar legislation and comparable bills are pending in state houses across the county.  The end result of this bill is protecting the life of the unborn as well as giving women the information they need to make a fully-informed decision. Ford and all other so called pro-life Democrats in Alabama should embrace this bill and celebrate the possibility that hundreds, and perhaps even thousands, of lives will be saved.”

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