By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Congressman Spencer Bachus’s reelection campaign released a press release today announcing that he was being endorsed by the National Right To Life Political Action Committee.
Alabama State Senator Scott Beason from Gardendale who is running for the Rep. Bachus’s 6th District seat told ‘The Alabama Political Reporter’ over the telephone, “Anyone who knows my position on pro-life issues knows that I am the most pro-life Senator in the Alabama legislature. I am actively Pro-Life” and “I work hard on Pro-Life issues in the Alabama Legislature.”
The endorsement letter reads, “The National Right to Life Political Action Committee is pleased to endorse you (Rep. Bachus) in the primary election that will occur on March 13, 2012, to choose the Republican nominee for the Sixth Congressional District.”
The endorsement letter praised Rep. Bachus (R) from Vestavia for his work, “During the current 112th Congress, you have once again compiled a 100 percent pro-life voting record. This includes your votes in support of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act (H.R. 3) and the Protect Life Act (H.R. 358). You also voted in favor of proposals to cut off federal funding for the Planned Parenthood Federation of America, the nation’s major provider of abortions. We also express our appreciation for your co-sponsorship of a number of major pro-life bills, including the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act (H.R.3803) and the Child Interstate Abortion Notification Act (H.R. 2299).”
The letter concludes: “We believe that your exemplary pro-life record has earned you the support of all voters who are concerned with the right to life and with the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family.”
Sen. Beason said, “Pro Life voters have nothing to fear from me, in fact they would gain an activist for the pro-life cause.” Sen. Beason said, “He (Rep. Spencer Bachus) and I will agree 98% of the time” on Pro-Life and conservative issues. The difference between us is that he (Bachus) is just a placeholder, while I will be an activist for those issues.”
State Senator Beason said that President Obama decision to force religious employers to pay for contraception including abortion drugs and practices that they disagree with morally, “an infringement on religious liberty” and was “a precursor of what is to come with Obamacare.” Sen. Beason said that Obama’s “edict from on high” is just the beginning of the “specter of an over reaching federal government.”
Sen. Beason said that Rep. Bachus got the National Right to Life PAC endorsement because Bachus had pushed really hard for it and because he was an incumbent Congressman.
Rep. Spencer Bachus is seeking to be reelected for his 11th term to the United State Congress. Senator Beason, Tea Party Activist Al Mickle from Alabaster, and Blount County Probate Judge David Standridge are all running against Bachus in the March 13th Republican Primary. The winner of the Republican Primary will then face Alabama Democratic Party opposition from either retired U.S. Air Force Colonel Penny Huggins Bailey from Leeds or Birmingham attorney William “Bill” Barnes in the November 6th general election. Terry Reagin from Leeds is collecting signatures to attempt to qualify for the ballot as an independent.
To read the letter in its entirety at Rep. Bachus’s campaign site:
Sen. Beason’s campaign site: