Staff Report
Two Republican legislators from North Alabama found themselves tossed off the House Rules Committee as the 2012 session of the Alabama Legislature began this week
Todd Greeson of Ider and Elwyn Thomas of Oneonta claimed it was because their votes reflected their districts’ interests rather than the will of the GOP Caucus (whose supermajority grew when Rep. Alan Harper of Aliceville switched to the Republican Party — and claimed a spot on the Rules Committee).
Maybe so, but the reaction to Republican Gov. Robert Bentley’s budget proposals show there’s no party lockstep in the relationship between the state’s executive and legislative branches.
Facing a potential half-billion dollar shortfall in the General Fund in the next fiscal year, which could mean budget cuts of 25 percent or more for state agencies and programs, Bentley on Wednesday attempted to pull the trigger on an idea he’s toyed with for months — raiding the Education Trust Fund.