Dear Friend,
The Alabama Legislature began its 2012 session this past Tuesday with the traditional State of the State address by the Governor. Governor Robert Bentley laid out the agenda that he would like for the Legislature to follow.
Fortunately, we now have a Republican Governor and a Republican Legislature, therefore, for the first time in over 100 years we are seeing what it looks like to have unity between the legislative and executive branch of government. Governor Bentley, House Speaker Mike Hubbard and Senate President Pro Tem Del Marsh have had ongoing meetings in preparation for this legislative session. Republicans can now deliver on their promises as we work together for the good of all Alabamians.
The Governor’s agenda is based on the fundamental needs of the state: creating jobs; keeping taxes low; streamlining government so that the size of government is based on tax revenue received; and improving education by implementing creative solutions such as charter schools.
Governor Bentley, Speaker Hubbard and Pro Tem Marsh promised that improving the economy and creating jobs would be their first priority, and it’s obvious that they mean business. Already, four jobs bills have passed out of their respective House committees and are on their way to floor.
The House Education Ways and Means Committee unanimously passed the “Heroes for Hire” Tax Credit Act, which will provide an additional $1,000 tax credit to businesses who hire veterans who recently returned home from war. Since these men and women have risked their lives for our country, it certainly seems appropriate to do all we can to help them find a job once they come home.
Two other bills that were passed out of the House Economic Development and Tourism Industry Committee comprise the Alabama Job Creation and Retention Act. These bills call for more flexibility to offer tax incentives to businesses in hopes of encouraging them to move to Alabama. It will also help us retain the businesses that are already here.
While Republicans in Montgomery are working hard on behalf of all Alabamians, the staff at the Alabama Republican Party headquarters is working equally hard in planning for our traditional Winter Dinner and GOP State Executive Committee meeting. All events will take place at the Birmingham Sheraton the weekend of February 24th & 25th.
The Chairman’s Dinner, on February 24th, will be a time to honor all previous Chairmen of the Alabama Republican Party. Chairmen from 1962 through 2010 will be recognized for their service. Many of our long-time Republicans will remember a young Birmingham attorney by the name of John Grenier who in 1962 took the reigns of the Alabama Republican Party and began the process of building our modern day Party.
The Dinner will also feature an entertaining presentation by Fox News Contributor and Pollster Frank Luntz. If you really want to know what’s really going on in the Presidential election you will want to come and hear what Frank has to say. He knows the candidates, he knows the issues and he knows how voters think. His insight is world-renowned, keeping him in constant demand.
We still have seats available, so please call our office today at 205-212-5900 and speak with Martha Gravlee. She can help you purchase your tickets over the phone so that your seats are reserved immediately. You can also purchase your tickets online through our convenient, secure website. Seating is limited, so please don’t delay in getting your ticket.
As the Presidential campaign gets more interesting with each caucus and primary I can assure you that Frank Luntz will provide an insight into the campaign that you won’t get anywhere else. I hope to see you in Birmingham on February 24th.
For the Cause,
Bill Armistead, Chairman
Alabama Republican Party