Staff Report
Alabama Political Reporter
From the Office of Congressman Spencer Bachus
Congressman Spencer Bachus has received the endorsement of the National Right to Life Political Action Committee in the March 13 Republican primary in the Sixth District for his 100-percent Pro-Life voting record.
“We have a sacred duty to defend the innocent unborn, who cannot speak for themselves. Each life is a precious gift from God. The thought of some that our government should sanction and fund the taking of lives through abortion is repulsive. It is my pledge to continue to stand strong against the assault of the Obama Administration on pro-life beliefs and conscience rights, and I deeply appreciate the support of the National Right to Life Committee.”
The letter of endorsement for Congressman Bachus stated, “We believe that your exemplary pro-life record has earned you the support of all voters who are concerned with the right to life and with the protection of the most vulnerable members of the human family.”
Congressman Bachus was cited for his votes in support of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act, the Protect Life Act, and legislation to eliminate federal funding for Planned Parenthood. He was also recognized for his co-sponsorship of pro-life bills including the District of Columbia Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Childhood Interstate Notification Act.
Congressman Bachus has voted to repeal Obamacare, which he warned in a speech on the House floor would permit taxpayer money to be used to pay for abortions in violation of the Hyde Amendment.
“The very first act by our government on an innocent and defenseless life would be to end it. Our forefathers could not comprehend such an outrageous act,” Bachus stated.
Congressman Bachus has also worked to preserve conscience rights and is fighting Obama Administration proposals that would force religious-affiliated institutions and employers to provide coverage for abortion-related drugs and procedures against their beliefs.
The full text of the endorsement letter may be found at