By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter
Congresswoman Terri A. Sewell released a press release after voting against House Joint Resolution 98, the Debt Ceiling Resolution of Disapproval
Congresswoman Sewell said, “Today, I voted against H.J.Res 98, an unnecessary resolution that does nothing to advance the conversation of fiscal discipline, deficit reduction or job creation. Congress and the administration previously agreed on a plan last year to raise our nation’s debt limit in order to pay our bills and protect vital programs such as Medicare and Social Security.”
Congresswoman Sewell said, ”This resolution seeks to reverse all of those meaningful gains, and is nothing more than political posturing at a time when America’s middle class families, workers, children and seniors are still recovering from the worst economic recession since the Great Depression.”
Congresswoman Sewell said. “I think we all can agree that we as a nation should take deficit reduction seriously and develop ways to reduce our country’s debt. However, allowing America to default on its obligations is simply not an option.”
Sewell criticized the Republican Congressmen who introduced the measure, H.J.R. 98. “I am disappointed that some of my colleagues have decided to begin the New Year by playing the same political games with our fragile economy. It is my hope that as we continue into 2012, Congress can put aside partisan politics and work together on a plan that minimizes our debt, balances the federal budget and creates jobs.”
Despite Congresswoman Sewell’s vote the motion still passed the United States House of Representatives by a margin of 239 to 176. Only six Democrats voted for the resolution, while only one Republican against it. All six Alabama Republicans voted for H.J.R. 98 which was a motion of disapproval of the President raising the debt ceiling another $1.2 trillion.
Congressman, and Presidential Candidate, Ron Paul (R) from Texas voted for the House Joint Resolution said, “The crisis that we are in has been building for a very long time.” “Spending is escalating exponentially. “You can’t solve the problem of debt by accumulating more debt.”
The vote was largely a formality as the President had already been given the authority to raise the debt ceiling another $1.2 trillion in the debt ceiling crisis of the summer. H.J.R. 98 now goes to the Democrat controlled Senate where it is unlikely to be acted upon. The budget super committee last fall failed to get meaningful deficit reductions and the President’s proposed budgets are calling for a deficit of between $500 million and $1.3 trillion a year throughout his next term (if reelected). America’s national debt is currently $15.3 trillion.
Congresswoman Terri Sewell represents Alabama’s 7th district that includes all or parts of Jefferson, Tuscaloosa, Dallas, Marengo, Greene, Hale, Choctaw, Clarke, Perry, Pickens, Wilcox, Bullock, and Sumter Counties. This is Rep. Sewell’s first term in the United States Congress. She is unopposed in the Democratic Party Primary; but will face a Republican opponent in the fall general election.