Staff Report
From the Office of Dr. Randy Brinson, Chairman, Redeem the Vote
CHARLESTON, South Carolina (January 20, 2012)—With exactly one year to the day of the next Presidential Inauguration in Washington, D.C., Redeem the Vote founder Dr. Randy Brinson of Alabama sent an email to some 1.4 million voters in South Carolina regarding the surge of Republican candidate Newt Gingrich. Gingrich has been surging in polls conducted in South Carolina over the last few days. Brinson disseminated a video interview he personally conducted with Gingrich’s two daughters who are on the ground in South Carolina. The South Carolina Primary will take place tomorrow.
Redeem the Vote (RTV) is a non-partisan and non-profit organization that travels across the country engaging American’s in the political process. It was fully engaged during the Iowa caucuses. RTV distributed an email to almost 750,000 evangelical voters in Iowa prior to the January 3rd caucus vote suggesting that Rick Santorum was currently surging in the polls by “engaging voters daily and speaking to their concerns”. Many news outlets contributed Santorum’s strong finish, especially with evangelicals, to the RTV correspondence.
“Redeem the Vote is thrilled that Christians are becoming more energized than ever in this Presidential campaign. Our goal is to maximize identifying Christians and encouraging them to cast their votes rather than sitting on the sidelines,” Dr. Brinson said today. Redeem the Vote is not endorsing any candidate in the race. It is merely disseminating information to get Christians more engaged in the electoral process.
Dr. Brinson conducted an interview with Gingrich’s two daughters about how Gingrich is connecting with evangelical Christians across the Palmetto State. That interview may be seen by clicking on this link.
In recent polls, former House Speaker Gingrich has been climbing upward, with some polls suggesting he will overtake frontrunner former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney when the South Carolina primary is held Saturday.
Dr. Brinson said in 2000, many Christians stayed at home once they discovered Republican nominee George W. Bush had not disclosed a DUI arrest he had in Massachusetts some years before. That election was very close, but in 2004, more Christians participated in the election.
“The entire country wins when committed Christians actively get involved in the process. That is our goal at Redeem the Vote,” Brinson said.
About Redeem the Vote: Redeem the Vote is a Montgomery-based nonprofit organization dedicated to engaging America’s young people of faith in the political process and to educate them on issues pertinent to their lives. Redeem the Vote’s corporate office is located in New York, NY. For more information, visit Redeem the Vote’s Web site at