Staff Report
There is a new bingo machine inside the American Legion Post No. 80, and new games will begin on Tuesday.
“But before people start getting upset, it’s not an electronic bingo machine,” said Post Commander Gerald Edgar. “It’s new computer machine for our paper bingo operation.”
The new machine, which was installed earlier this week, got its test run on Thursday by members of the Post’s bingo committee. “The old machine was out of date, and we couldn’t put the different type of pattern games on it.
“The whole process was slow, and we’re hoping with this new machine, we’ll see attendance pick up,” he said.
Games had been suspended through December for the Christmas holidays and to accommodate the installation of the new computerized machine. Edgar said instead of “bingo watchers” on the floor who worked to confirm “bingo,” now, each paper card is assigned a number. If someone bingos, the new computer will read that number to determine if the numbers match.