Staff Report
State Rep. April Weaver, R-Brierfield, was recently named Outstanding Alabama Legislator of the Year for 2011 by The Alabama State Nurses Association.
The Alabama State Nurses Association is the professional association for registered nurses in Alabama. The ASNA Legislator of the Year Award is given annually to state legislator who has been an active proponent of healthcare issues in Alabama and has supported nurses and nursing issues during the legislative session.
Weaver received the award recently at the ASNA annual awards banquet at the Auburn University Hotel and Dixon Conference Center, the highlight event at ASNA’s annual statewide convention.
In her freshman year as a State Representative, Weaver was an active participant in a special session that passed a package of ethics reform bills. She was the sponsor of one of the “Handshake with Alabama” bills signed in to law this year providing tax credits to small businesses that provide health insurance for their employees.