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Number of Alabama residents receiving jobless benefits falls

Staff Report

The number of people receiving unemployment benefits continues to fall both nationwide and in Alabama, although Morgan and Lawrence counties have seen an increase in the past year.

The Labor Department reports that the national figure has dropped from 4.18 million in mid-December 2010 to 3.61 million for the same period this year.

The number of Alabama residents receiving unemployment benefits has decreased from 50,722 in November 2010 to 42,514 in November 2011.

In Morgan County, however, the number of residents receiving unemployment compensation rose from 1,362 in 2010 to 1,708 this year, while Lawrence County also saw an increase, from 331 to 421.

Limestone County has a slight decrease, from 177 to 174.

The number of workers employed between November 2010 and November 2011 increased from 50,972 to 52,130 in Morgan, from 34,967 to 35,564 in Limestone and from 13,818 to 14,132 in Lawrence.

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During the same period the state unemployment rate has dropped from 10.4 percent to 8.7 percent.

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