Staff Report
COLUMBIANA—First Lady Dianne Bentley donated fifty-five blankets to the SafeHouse of Shelby County as part of her “Blankets with a Blessing” initiative to provide new quilts and blankets to homeless and displaced families during the holiday season. “Blankets with a Blessing” has provided thousands of blankets since the initiative began in 2004.
An avid quilter herself, Mrs. Bentley donated a handmade blanket to the cause.
“It was heartwarming again, to see the response from Alabamians as we came together to reach out to care for one another. The blankets will serve as a source of comfort for those living in SafeHouse,” said First Lady Dianne Bentley. “The ladies at the center were so appreciative for the blankets and were honored that the people in their care could be the recipients of such a loving gift. It was a wonderful feeling to be able to use my position as First Lady to help those in need and I hope in the years to come I will be able to further help the people of Alabama.”
Located in Columbiana, Alabama, SafeHouse of Shelby County is a full-service domestic violence and sexual assault center that provides emergency shelter while empowering victims of abuse through support and advocacy. Through the initiative, Mrs. Bentley was able to provide a blanket for every woman and child currently housed in SafeHouse.
Kathy Wells, Executive Director of SafeHouse said that the blankets will remind the women and children of the blessing they received at SafeHouse.
“We are so grateful for Mrs. Bentley’s donation of blankets through the Blankets with a Blessing Program. These blankets truly are a blessing. They not only keep the women and children warm physically but also provide the warmth of knowing that someone cares. The blankets often go home with the women and children as a reminder that they found safety and unconditional care at SafeHouse,” said Wells.
For more information, contact the Governor’s Press Office at 334-242-7150.