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Trussville Library discusses APLS code changes

Trussville library director Jason Baker took a more measured approach Monday in apprising his board of the code changes.

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The Trussville Public Library board met Monday to discuss potential policy changes to meet new administrative code changes at the Alabama Public Library Service that will be required for libraries to receive state aid.

The code changes have sparked concerns at libraries across the state about what policies they need to implement to receive state aid. The Ozark-Dale Library board voted last week to define “sexually explicit” and “inappropriate for minors” in their policies in an attempt to match the new policy requirements. The Prattville Library board will meet tomorrow to consider revisions.

Trussville Library director Jason Baker took a more measured approach Monday in apprising his board of the code changes, which don’t actually take effect until July 15.

Baker told the board that it can begin discussion with the Trussville city attorney at that time to best comply with state aid requirements.

Board chair Debbie Waid asked Baker whether anything could still be done to prevent the changes from going into effect. While the APLS board has approved of the changes, the Alabama Library Association and Read Freely Alabama have called on the Joint Committee on Administrative Rule Review to deny or amend the code changes due to procedural maneuvers that skirted public comment and the economic impact the changes will have on libraries.

Waid also predicted that the policy changes will likely face a lawsuit, and could bring a lawsuit to the Trussville library doors as well.

The board adjourned without bringing forward any policy revisions, electing to consider that at its September meeting. Baker said APLS will hold an administrators meeting on July 25 that he expects will include more information on compliance with the new code.

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Jacob Holmes is a reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter. You can reach him at [email protected]

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The new policy would not outright prohibit books containing LGBTQ+ content.


Minton said the library would need to remove books promoting transgenderism in order to comply with new state aid requirements.


Libraries will have until June 30, 2025 to submit new policies to receive state aid for FY2025.


The groups say the adopted changes stray far from the original proposal put forward for public comment.