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Roy Moore Signs Papers to Run for Senate Seat

By Brandon Moseley
Alabama Political Reporter

Tuesday, May 9, 2017 former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore was at Alabama Republican Party headquarters in Hoover in order to sign the documents officially making his a candidate for U.S. Senate.

Chief Justice Moore said, “I am here to sign the qualification papers with the state. This is a very important election and I think it is very important to the people of Alabama and the state of Alabama.”

On Monday, May 8, 2017 the GOP Super PAC the Senate Leadership Fund announced that they were purchasing an incredible $2.6 million in ads for U.S. Senator Luther Strange in the Republican Primary.

Chief Justice Moore responded to the news: “We talk about draining the swamp. Well, it seems like the swamp has come to Alabama.”

Moore continued, “It seems like there’s an intention right now to buy this election and control the people of Alabama, force them to vote a certain way through political advertising.”

Moore said that the special election was rescheduled for this year because, “It is in accordance with the law. That is what I have been concerned with.”

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As to why former Governor Robert Bentley (R) scheduled the election originally for 2018, Moore said, “I think there is a political agenda behind that.”

Moore said, “It is troubling that the establishment is coming to Alabama to buy this election.” “I have been in more political campaigns than anyone else in this race. I have run statewide four times and I have run locally in Etowah County.” “I know that money does not control the people.” “I have never seen an election where they say that they are going to spend $2.6 million in media advertising and that is just a fraction of what they are ultimately going to spend.”

Chief Justice Moore said that he wants to make ‘Made in America’ mean something again.

Moore said that he has a focus on the economy. “They have over regulated, over taxed and subjected the American people with unfair trade agreements.” “If business does not prosper the American people do not prosper.”

When asked by reporters if he would have voted for the American Health Care Act of 2017, Moor said, “I support complete repeal of anything with healthcare that Obama has done.” “Everywhere socialism in healthcare is tried it has failed.” “Under Obamacare everybody’s cost have risen exponentially and everybody knows it.”

The ‘Alabama Political Reporter’ asked: Recent polling has reportedly shown that the people of Alabama do not want to vote for the candidate that Bentley has appointed. You were one of twenty people who interviewed with Bentley for that seat. If Bentley had offered you that seat would you have accepted it?

Moore answered, “I can’t address a hypothetical. I was interviewed at the Governor’s request not at my request.”

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Moore said, “The people of Alabama will have the final say.”

Recent polling by U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R from Huntsville) shows Moore with a large lead over Sen. Strange.

Former Christian Coalition President Randy Brinson (R), state Representative Ed Henry (R from Hartselle), and marijuana advocate Ron Crumpton (D) all have also declared that they are Senate candidates.

Senate President Del Marsh (R from Anniston) has acknowledged that he is also considering running for the Senate. Donald Trump’s Alabama Co-Chair former state Representative Perry O. Hooper (R from Prattville), U.S. Representative Mo Brooks (R from Huntsville) and state Representative Christopher John England (D from Tuscaloosa) are also considering runs for the Senate. State Board of Education member Mary Scott Hunter (R) is also reportedly exploring the possibility of a Senate candidacy.

U.S. Representative Bradley Byrne (R from Montrose) and state Representative Craig Ford (D from Gadsden) have both recently announced that they will not run in the special election for Senate.

The Special Republican Primary will be on August 15. The Special General Election will be on December 12.

Brandon Moseley is a former reporter at the Alabama Political Reporter.

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